The Mp3 Experiment Six is Today

The Mp3 Experiment at Improv Everywhere

The Mp3 Experiment Six is taking place tomorrow on Roosevelt Island in New York City. Full details and download.

A few reminders:

– Allow extra travel time tomorrow for weekend subway service changes. You don’t want to be late!

– Wear a white shirt underneath the normal colored shirt.

– Synchronize your watch to the instruction page before you leave.

– The forecast is looking good, but be prepared in case a thunderstorm pops up.

– We’ll have a book-signing after the event by the F-train for anyone that wants to buy our new book. (No pressure!)

And make sure you’ve read the full instructions.

Praise Steve!


  1. Since I’m not living in NY (well, I’m not even in US :P), I can only hope you all have ridiculously huge amounts of fun tomorrow! Oh, I gotta see the videos for this one as soon as they are up! It’ll be AWESOME!

  2. You guys seriously need to organize some of these in states other than New York! Please please please!

  3. I was so looking forward to this…but at the last minute, I found that those that I could stay with are unavailable to accommodate me. So close! Maybe next year…

  4. You really need to explain the rules about war *cough* like no hitting in the face!

  5. Wow – and I’m how old and I had to have my 24 year old son invite me? Amazing – but you know I can think of things you could do ….

    Can’t wait until the next time!
